SCORE Project


SEPSPEL entered into partnership with CARE International in Uganda to implement the SCORE USAID funded 5 year project in Bugiri, Mayuge, and Namayingo. Later on in January 2014, the M.O.U was revised to allow SEPSPEL take over the Districts and Sub counties formerly under Iganga District Farmers Association (IDFA)-formerly CARE IPO.

Overall project goal;


The SCORE project Goal was: To decrease the vulnerability of critically vulnerable children and their households.

Project objectives:

  1. To improve the socio-economic status of the VC household

  2. To improve the food security and nutrition status of VC and their Household members

  3. To increase the availability of protection and legal services for Vulnerable children and their household members

  4. To increase the capacity of vulnerable women and children and their Households to access critical services.

Project Scope:

The project was implemented in 18 Sub counties and 54 Parishes in the 5 Districts; 4 Sub counties in Iganga (Bulamagi, Namungalwe, Nambale, Ibulanku ),3 Sub counties in Bugiri District( Bulidha, Budhaya and Muterere ),5 Sub counties in Mayuge(Kityerera, Buwaaya, Mpungwe, Baitambogwe, Imanyiro ) 3 Sub counties in Luuka (Irongo,Bulongo & Bukanga) and 3 Sub counties in Namayingo (Mutumba, Buswale & Buhemba ) in 54 parishes.

Overall 3,668 VCHH were identified and enrolled on the project ((490 Bugiri, 1060 Iganga, 636 Luuka, 845 Mayuge and 637 Namayingo). The VAT4 exercise conducted in July 2015 showed that 1,427 VCHH had graduated from critical and moderate vulnerability and were stable. By December,2015, 1,208 out of the 1,832 which had not graduated, had been enrolled on another USAID/ Better outcomes Project which is also being implemented by SEPSPEL under the World Education/Bantwana led Consortium in Mayuge, Bugiri and Iganga till 2018.


Project Implementation:

The SCORE project was designed to build capacity of the beneficiaries and structures to sustainably improve the well being of OVC and their households. Implementation of the project adopted a range of approaches including; creating and using community based structures like VSLAs, FFS/PMGs, building capacity of community resource persons (NPEs & CLVs) with skills and knowledge on OVC responses, child protection, nutrition bets practices and general referral and case management. To capture the support and tap into the technical expertise of the Government and Policy makers, the project closely worked with the Local government line departments like community based services; probation, health, production and education.

SCORE project Key Achievements in the year 2021:

  • Established and Supported 190 VSLA groups with a total of 4,544 households (HH) reached.

  • A cumulative saving of UGX 815,544,950= was mobilized thus contributing to household incomes. From the monitoring visits, it was observed that VSLA activities had enhanced the wellbeing of VCHH. More households borrowed loans and engaged in IGAs to sustain their families and cater for VC basic needs including scholastic materials and feeding at school. The VSLAs were also sensitized on the importance of keeping the accumulated funds in the commercial banks to enable them access big loans and provide security for their funds.

  • Awareness on the importance of having social insurance was created and 337 HH bought premiums with Jubilee insurance Company to cushion their families against challenges experienced when a family looses the bread winner.

  • 3,630 VSLA members benefited from capacity building in Business Selection, Planning and Management and Financial Literacy and bank linkage.

  • 30 VSLA groups had been linked to the banks (Barclays, Post Bank and Opportunity Bank) by close of the project in December,2021

  • 216 youths trained in apprenticeship skills. Through monitoring it was revealed that the youths had established businesses which had improved their incomes at household level.

  • 120 Farmer Field Schools (FFS) with a membership of 1437 were formed and supported. The families which participated in the Farmer Field School activities replicated the acquired knowledge and established their own commercial farms.

  • 599 families were supported to establish horticulture/backyard gardens

  • 20 Producer Business Association(PBAs) for VCHH market access and Value chain were established

  • 600 caregivers from VSLA groups were trained in mushroom growing, candle wax making, soap making and catering. The caregivers were then supported to establish income generating activities to enhance their income.

  • Worked with Child Protection (CP) structures like DMCs, DOVCCs and local councils to protect children against abuse.

  • Trained 86 Community Legal Volunteers (CLVs) to sensitize the community on child rights

  • Promoted Child Friendly School Model in Supported 66 schools .This aimed at creating an enabling environment for children to stay at school.

  • Promoted reproductive health services in schools through regular pregnancy tests and health talks. Through the pregnancy tests, we were able to identify children who had been defilement and made pregnant and supported them to complete school and reprimand the abusers.

  • Conducted Interactive Learning sessions with VCHH

  • Conducted Community Legal Clinics

Conducted regular home visits

  • Organized regular Community dialogues as avenues for meaningful interactions amongst VCs, active poor and community leaders.

  • Conducted life skills sessions with the identified youth to increase levels of self awareness, adaptive skills, and communication skills and create awareness of beneficial relationships for VCs

  • Participated in OVC co-ordination structures- (DOVCC, SOVCC, DMCs) to advocate for the vulnerable children.

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